“Knowing others is intelligence, Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, Mastering yourself true power.”

Lau Tzu/ Tao Te Ching

About Michael Finn. / Acupuncturist


What is Acupuncture and T.C.M.?

Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.), a system of diagnosis and treatment that has developed over 3000 years.  Fundamentally acupuncture is based on the idea of attaining and maintaining optimum Qi states.  Qi may be understood as a measure of vitality in the body.  This vitality ensures the body is in a state of balance or homeostasis. The ancient Chinese described this state as a balance between ‘Yin and Yang’. Strong and balanced and well-directed Qi will mean a well-tuned nervous system, hormonal harmony, trouble-free digestion, muscles and joints free from pain, discomfort and inflammation and so on.

The acupuncture points are the locations chosen to influence the various forms of Qi.

Depending on how the Qi facility has become disorganized, a treatment might be directed to: strengthen, relax, harmonise, detoxify, support, warm, nourish, spread, cool or de-stagnate the Qi, as is appropriate to a given person’s condition on the day.

What occurs during the treatment?

Following a thorough consultation between your acupuncturist and yourself, specific acupuncture points are chosen.    The next step involves the painless insertion of fine needles into the body. These needles are disposable, so are only used one time.  This local stimulus affects the Qi, via various pathways, thereby influencing other regions/systems of the body. The needles are left in place for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. It is common for people to move into a deep state of relaxation during this time.

Michael advises clients to try and take it easy in the hours after an acupuncture treatment so as to make the most of the wonderful feeling acupuncture produces and to let the treatment ‘sink in’ and facilitate the process of change.

When treating a long-term condition, an initial course of four to six weekly treatments accomplishes the important initial therapeutic changes. During this time Michael also looks at his client’s diet, stress factors and lifestyle in general, to ensure that these are in harmony with the client’s overall goals.

After the initial improvement of a particular condition has been achieved, clients are advised to pursue a few fortnightly, then a monthly maintenance treatment to ensure that early progress is sustained, whilst also fine tuning and paying attention to factors which require ongoing vigilance, such as stress patterns, dietary modifications, problems due to the ageing process, keeping track of medicinal prescriptions, exercise and general lifestyle advice.

The key to Acupuncture and TCM is that they are designed to treat the ‘person and not just the disease’. So the treatment is specifically attuned to each client, after taking into account their personal and medical history, their occupation, life roles, gender, age, specific stresses, dietary habits, intolerances, allergies and restrictions, mobility and extent of exercise.

Michael enables each client to understand how they came to develop their condition, and how to proceed in terms of gaining relief from pain and dysfunction, and how to prevent reoccurrences. Such an approach involves realistic goals, positive support, practical outcomes, personalised treatments and therapeutic success. This is the path of preventative medicine and the essence of sustainable healthcare. This is important, especially because we are now living longer lives and will increasingly be contending with the ageing process. This means we need to take care of ourselves purposefully today to be in great shape tomorrow and for decades to come. Such is the meaning of ‘quality of life’.

How long is the treatment and how much does it cost?

Acupuncture sessions, including consultation are 55 minutes in length.                                             

The charge for Acupuncture is $130.00 for the initial consultation and treatment and $120.00 for subsequent sessions.

Are rebates available?

Yes, rebates are available for treatments that involve Acupuncture.

Do you offer gift vouchers?

Michael’s Gift Vouchers are available from the Centre’s Reception desk.

It may be for a special occasion for a friend under stress, a birthday for a family member, or as a note of appreciation to a work colleague. Or, you might wish to give someone the opportunity to experience  an Acupuncture session, Natural Medicine Consultation or some Counselling for the very first time.

How can I find out more about Acupuncture and Michael?

Michael’s website – www.michaelfinnhealthservices.com.au – has all the details of his practice, plus a handy archive containing editions of his periodic Clinic Newsletters and Health Blogs. You can sign up to receive these for free. Check out the Homepage and enter your details.


To make an appointment, click here: https://michaelfinnhealthservices.au1.cliniko.com/bookings